Reaching Out From FUNAAB to The World

Wednesday, 31 August 2016


Time flies so fast, some things are invented and forgotten, in this global age anything with a slightly difficult-to-understand user interface or minute fault is easily discarded.

Technologies sometimes are just implemented before the right time, I am not saying that the ones who did it should not have done it, but sometimes key aspects of the technology, like user security, were not already well developed, also we have technologies that the world stopped using because some other came above, and today some of those are starting a comeback, and if you are under 30 you might not even know them or maybe you might have seen them in outdated sci-fi movies.

Here a few examples of both:

1) Airships: used a lot on the first half of last century, but overpassed by airplanes and accidents. They had a gas problem. Yh well sorry bro.

2) Supersonic aircraft: if it wasn’t for Air France incident and some needed improvements, they could be used a lot today. Imagine crossing the Atlantic in three hours. WTF

3) VR (Virtual Reality): ok it is very known among the tech world, but unknown by the majority of the population, and for sure a big trend right know. Imagine being inside call of duty OMG!!!!

4) Thync: How would you feel about getting great sleep, or being able to focus, or relax, without any chemicals to impact your brain?
A neat little device called thync works by stimulating your nerves electrically, although with different degrees of effectiveness for different people. This I need.

5) Nanodrones: What’s more terrifying than a human shaped robot? How about nanodrones – flying drones as small as mosquitoes that can take pictures, record audio, and take DNA samples from you without your knowledge. This gives me the chills.

6) A Supervirus That Can Kill Everyone: Ohk here is something more terrifying than a nanodrone, a supervirus with the potential to wipe out billions of people, but fortunately that’s the kind of stuff left to James Bond villains and shadowy corporations in movies or at least it was. I really don't know what to say to this, why would someone wake up in the morning decide and create that, what? what? he doesn't like his job.

Anyways here are a few I can list right now I should be able to continue this some other time.


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