Some dates are very significant in the hearts of people. For example, no American will ever forget September 11, 2001, no Ghanaian will ever forget March 6, 1957, just as no Brazilian will ever forget June 29, 1958, in the same mode, August 18 strikes a chord in the heart of every student of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, you know why? Because 18th August, 2016 spelled an end to the tremulous oppression from thieves and bandits.
Enough was enough! It was time to define our own luck, we were tired of being slaves to criminals. Funaabites came out in mass, to air their grievances towards the onslaught of thieves tormenting students in Isolu and it's environs. For several weeks, an armed robbery gang (reported to comprise of 7 men) had been terrorizing several students in their hostels. These bandits caused terrible harm and apart from stealing from students, reports have it that these robbers heavily loaded with several weapons and charms raped female students, who were always ashamed to narrate their ordeals because of the fear of stigmatisation. I can't phantom the kind of trauma, this torturous events will have on these girls.
Funaabites needed to stand up to this sardonic acts. We had two options, either to stand up and fight for ourselves or remain silent and keep been at the mercy of rogues. We stood up to chant songs of 'solidarity forever' and the rest is history.
My question now is, what exactly does Funaab need saving from? Is it from the thieves that have brought pain, torment and trepidation to the hearts of most Funaabites? Or from the Nigerian Police Force who not only denied that a police officer shot a Funaab student (Taiwo Abisoye) at close range during the protest but have also gone rogue by napping innocent students in the school environment. Or from the Student Union body whose leaders failed to effectively lead a protest. I honestly can't place my hands on what FUNAAB needs saving from.
But what I do know for certain is that FUNAAB needs saving from the school management who have failed to place the needs of the students above anything else. Security concerns emerged last semester emerged when robbers ravaged Camp, Isolu, Oluwo Keesin and Gate areas of Funaab (off Campus). The robbers caused debilitating effects in several lives yet the school management failed to nip this barbaric acts in the board. Does lives always have to be endangered before the school takes proactive steps. There would have been absolutely no need for the protest if the school management had been proactive enough to curb the excesses of the thieves.
Funaab needs saving from poor transport network. Everyday, we Funaabites jam pack ourselves in the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta Bureau of Transportation vehicles popularly called MANCOT just to convey ourselves to school.
Funaab needs saving from inhumane academic conditions. For instance, hundreds of students receiving lectures in a hall that doesn't have the capacity and isn't conducive enough for learning.
Funaab needs saving from stringent policies that makes learning difficult for an average student. It's as if, the school management adores 'the lawn' than students in the school.
I stand to be corrected, the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta spent approximate 5 months for just one semester. Only God knows when we'll be through with second semester.
I will keep the hashtag trending. Let's #SaveFunaab, not only from the lies and treachery of the Nigerian Police Force but also from terrible and inhumane management.
Article written and compiled by;
Echatah Patrick Oyarekhua
NAUS SA on Media and Publicity
Adebukola Badmus Mikail
NAUS National Director on Research and Information
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