Sunday, 28 August 2016
Hi, I'm a player
Why do you look so surprised?
When you claim all guys are the same
"They are all heartless monsters
Going through girls like a kid with a remote
You said my deepest affections was only pretence
Your best friend broke up with me at your insistence.
Yes, I'm a player
Cos I refused to indulge in your games
I didn't stick around after you said NO!
You saw me asking another girl out the next day
"I knew he wasn't sincere in the first place"
You blaming me for dating your friend after you broke my heart?
What? You expect me to be miserable my whole life?
Thinking only of you and ignoring other girls;
Cos if I truly loved you, I'll keep chasing you
Even after you left me for someone else.
Damn straight, I'm a player
Cos I refuse to stead at your door
Begging for the love you refuse to give;
Instead, following my heart, wherever it may lead
Cos I deserve a shot at happiness too
Like everyone else does
So, don't blame if I refuse
To allign myself with societal dictates
And do what I feel is best for me.
I agree, I'm a player
But I never created the game
You said I must pay for the action of others
But who will pay for yours?
You act all high and mighty
Like one without a sin
You now suspect every honest intentions
Being a being of guilt yourself
I know you've broken a lot of hearts
And you are wary of karma
But the fact that you play the game;
Doesn't mean we are all the same.
- For a real G, who loved but lost. I don't know if love exist bro, but I hope you find someone who'll make you happy( I guess that's what's called love.)
- @ L.M.A
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My second favorite post