Reaching Out From FUNAAB to The World

Saturday, 13 February 2016


At imagine cinema's....................
After I let myself in, it was the valentine edition,I had to go in with a girl, it wasn't a must, but I just had to, 'you know now' , to just catch that feel. Asides me going with her, I was with the gang as usual, doing you know, what the gang does best.

We were there to see a movie, not to eat or drink anything, 'boys abre' , even my chick wasn't complaining, and I wasn't ready to listen, we waited for the movie to start but instead they were doing all sorts to make sure the hall was filled up before they started broadcasting. TN thrilled with us with a karaoke performance of Sam smith's 'you not the only one' to perfection.
Camera lights flashed from different corners, selfies everywhere, the hall was in total darkness, and the only light we got was from the screen in front of us
If the speakers weren't loud enough, funaabites would waste ya money, because they never shut up, even though tickets sold for only a hundred naira, I still had to enjoy my movie. The cinema house also provided free transportation that conveyed students back to their respective destinations.
Guys thrilled us with background tease and emotion's
The movie that showed us how the former heavy weight champion Rocky Balboa served as a trainer and mentor to Adonis
Johnson, the son of his late friend and former rival
Apollo Creed. And helped him into a fight for the world light weight champion title against pretty Ricky Conlan, even though he lost the fight, he still earned his fathers name his own way and he gained the much deserved respect he wanted.
The movie was filled with suspense, romance, action and a whole lot of humour, the Creed movie portrayed boxing like never before,the effects were just perfect, and for me, it is the right movie to see anytime, any day.
Thumbs up to imagine cinema's, you didn't let us down this time.
And they got a whole lot of movies lined up for this year, don't miss out funaabites.



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