Hell on Earth!
Help!!!…. The world is turning into a bakery or an oven for that matter, in short this is hell on earth. I'm sure a lot of you will be wondering what I mean by this.
Most funaabites resumed the 2015/16 session looking fresh and all, after four weeks of life under this Abeokuta sun, I'm sure that fine boy or fine girl look you brought from home is now looking like a burnt cake

For most guys with the "afaridan" haircut, that is the extreme form of lowcut just that there's no strand of hair left on the head will b regretting the decision they made for opting to get that haircut, remember then in physics when we were taught about rays, I'm sure the sun rays will have the highest penetrating power, kinda like it'll penetrate many millimeters of your skull... lol.
So I imagine the quantum physics that'll be going on the guy without a strand of hair on his head to try reduce the penetration of the sun rays, I'm sure there'll be a lot of baked brains moving around now. Think of it like a real life zombie movie happening in Funaab, kinda like world war Z. Baked brains everywhere.For the fact that the sun knows it's the hottest thing in the entire galaxy, yet it still wants to show off, "Egbon Sun which levels Na?"
I can't even get to enjoy my sleep in the afternoon, even if I do get to sleep off, I wake up looking like I took a bath in the spirit realm, only this time I wake up to meet the water on my Body. Moving around from lecture hall to lecture hall is now dreadful, imagine moving from colvet auditorium to yakub, then back to jao and back to Anenih for lectures, all under the scorching sun. With my already baked brain I'll sit in the lecture hall looking at the lecturer whereas my mind is somewhere in wonderland taking a refreshing shower in some fancy bathroom that only exists in my mind.
Now, getting home after a long day under the sun, then you decide to take a shower, only for you to open the tap onto your head, your head starts to emit steam like you just poured water on a hot iron, or like you just carried out a neutralization reaction with an acid and base, just that your head is now the conical flask, think of how hot your head gets, remember CHM191 right?..imagine!.. Lol.
Can someone out there please help tell God to reduce the heat level from "Fiery furnace" to "cool"....
I leave you all with a letter from a "roasted Nigerian".
And also to our newest addition "OlaMeeday aka Smallie" and "Ajayi Olubiyi"....*raises champagne cups and makes a toast*... Thanks for being part of our team..
Most importantly Funaabites make sure y'all have a wonderful weekend...
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