Reaching Out From FUNAAB to The World

Thursday, 7 April 2016


I am writing this evening to inform all funaabite
that the SRA suspended the President of the
union based on the following allegations:

1. Not defending the student in the case of
incessant robberies by agreeing with the security
operatives that funaabites are robbing co-
funaabites (ABG 301Class, March 30th, 2016.,
2. Misappropriation of funds, the President has
refused to tell us the state of the union's account
since the inception of the administration and even
at the last sitting where he was asked when he
would bring it he said Friday 18th March but as a
house we are yet to receive that document. Still
on misappropriation of funds he forcefully hijack
the sales of ticket for freshers night and till now
has not presented a concise amount made on
that event which we the Honourables calculate to
be 790,000 at the least.
3. He refused to honour the invitation of the
house after being duly notified.
So, I urge funaabites not to subscribe to any
rumour that says that we suspended the
President for no reason...
I remain Ojetunde Samuel (Hon. Psamy bee)


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