Reaching Out From FUNAAB to The World

Wednesday, 27 April 2016


Waking up to sound of silence, and peace every other person in my room is asleep, gosh! It feels like I'm in a grave yard then the thought came "here we go again, the daily routine wake up, go to sch, get f
rustrated, manage to read, definitely eat" it's not like I have a choice I just have eat, cause that is the fuel that keeps me going, more or less the only reason why I wake up every morning.
And when the day is over and  I lay in bed trying to sleep, I realize the obvious "THE STRUGGLE IS REAL", the effort we put in trying not to be intimidated by any course or lecturer is so much crazy that we all think of stress as a part of our curriculum and truth be told it is part, I wish it's not, most of us do.
I give kudos and respect all those who have gone through this you deserve to pride yourselves by calling yourselves FUNAABITES.


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