Reaching Out From FUNAAB to The World

Tuesday, 22 March 2016


It was a beautiful Monday morning in this part of Abeokuta, where my university is located. The song of the birds filtering through my window gave me one motivation to take the day heads on irrespective of the temptation to go back to bed. I woke up, went through my daily routine and headed for school.

You know that moment in maths when you are asked to calculate distance between two ends? That's the same kind of feeling I and the rest of the Engineering consitituency had when we walked from COLVET Auditorium to Mahmood Yakub Hall. For the non-funaabites here, COLVET Auditorium is just like your South Pole in Geography, and Mahmood Yakub is like your North Pole. Now you know what I mean?

Funny thing is, I wonder if those in charge of fixing the academic calender and venue for lectures intentionally meant to do us harm by putting us under such stress, or if it was just by chance, or luck. Well, whatever the reason is, I believe it is inhumane! Imagine we have a lecture in the 'South pole' for 8-10am and the immediate lecture after that is in the 'North Pole' for 10-12am. Now, since either lecturer would begin at the earliest possible time, we (the students) are the ones at a loss, since it would take at least 15 minutes to walk from the bus-stop in the morning, and another 15 minutes to travel end-to-end. Feel me?

I guess this has been the trend for ages past and from university to university, and people have come, seen and conquered and so shall I. With this I (and advise other students like me, lol) console myself and move on, bearing every passing Monday with strength and hope with the future in view!



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