Reaching Out From FUNAAB to The World

Monday, 12 September 2016


This one  is for the guys out there, but you girls can also pick one or two from this.

We all have met this one beautiful girl that we thought we were into and all of a sudden, we just decided to step back.
 Most times we even see the green light already( the girl don fall be that). We blame it on so many reasons, and most times we don't even know why. I have friends who have gone through this phase like over and over again.
Well, maybe its because they are very handsome oo and they think that would make them always nab another babe.

Anyways, here are some of the reasons I feel make guys press the red button to a girls parole:

1. If she attends a white garment church.
No offense o ,but I myself don't know why. I have been a victim of this too, once I find out the girl attends a white garment church- the normal cele church na, my ginja go just die, I have white garment female friends o, just that I can't date them and I don't even know why, but the friend zone is open sha oo.

2. Because she is too beautiful.
I know right.. To the ladies it'll look weird, because we all pray for a beautiful babe, so why would a very beautiful girl turn us off. There is this saying that too much of everything is not good, I guess it applies in this case. I could have said inferiority complex but guys talk with pretty girls and make them fall head over heels and still delay the date thing.

And most guys can't stand the fight for supremacy, G-boys with rides sef dey troop in, no time for babe wrestling jaare.

3. Late night syndrome.
 This is when you are chatting with a friend of yours till very late in the night, and then you start to say rubbish, a lot of it will make the girl fall for you oo.  But when you wake up the next morning, you realize you never meant half the things you told her, so you know, we just intentionally create this gap and regret the late night chat. I know quite a few guys that have fallen victim to this.

4. Identity thief.
This one is not the guys fault oo, imagine you'll meet this "okay" girl on ig, pictures dey normal, front and back set like iphone7, you start to talk, she's making brain, then you meet her in person...

 thats when you'll know that make up+ camera360 can do plastic surgery. As a sharp boy with protected reputation, no dulling o you gast back out na.

5. Bad mouth friends.
We all have this one friends that knows all the girls that has ever been laid in this world, and he says it in the worst of ways. He'll tell you who banged her, where, when, how she sounded and the likes. And there is the " this girl no fine kobo " kind of friend, he spoils every girl he sees, and all of a sudden, you just loose interest irrespective of how far you've gone with the girl. This is common among cliques.

But guys, haba!! There is nothing wrong with white garment members oo, they have really dope girl, you dont believe? go and date one and see for yourself.
 Very beautiful girls are also girls with prettier faces na, fight for her and risk it...
 And please reduce your late night chats. Ted's grandma from how I met your mother already said "nothing good happens past 2am", just go to bed. But you can still chat till 1:59am sha, but whatever you do, dont try XTRACOOL.
And our brothers that know the color of all naija babes pant, continue..
Ladies, also delete camera360, if google play brings camera360 upgrade, sharp sharp, you move it to camera720, lol, all the best fùn yin oooöóò.
 Hope this made you smile ...

      Written by: Tobi fatty bumbum


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