I saw this on whatsapp and decided to share...
If you a guy who loves to chat, then the write is so so true..
So girls...read on...
Girls, let me teach you how to chat:
1. Always be appreciative when a guy tries to make you laugh. One of the major
chat killer is when you have a low sense of humor, how you respond to a joke goes a
long way in making the chat interesting. Its so annoying when I crack a very funny joke
to a girl and all she could reply is "lol" or "smiles".... So annoying.
2. One other chat killer is when you lack continuity, its not nice to be using a mono-syllabic mode of chatting. Some girls will be the first to inbox you...for example;
Girl: Hey
Guy: hello how are u?
Girl: fine.
Guy: how was ur day?
Girl: Kul.
Haba...Atleast have the decency to ask how his own day went na. i.e
Guy: how was ur day?
Girl: Kul, and urs?
If you don't know, that's what keeps a conversation going.
3. When someone deliberately
please flow along with him, he's just
to be funny. Don't give a dry
response. For
Guy: what are you doing now?
Girl: eating
Guy: ok should I come and join you?
Girl: mtchww...me that stays in
Lagos, so I should stop eating and wait for you to come from Abuja right? Mumu, he was just joking!
4. Please if you know you're busy with something, then don't come online. Stop
replying a message after 9hrs or even days. Some will just leave when the chat is getting interesting without saying bye, they will just leave you waiting for their replies.
5. Its a conversation and not an interview. Ask questions too. Don't make him to be
asking all the questions.
6. Nowhere in the Bible or Quran or the constitution that a guy should be the one to always start a chat, learn to also start a conversation too.
7. Stop asking for recharge cards through a chat, believe me it makes a chat boring.
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