Reaching Out From FUNAAB to The World

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

A Love Story

No one can tell how they met, but in his complete coldness and emotional incompetence he couldn't see what was right in front of him for 3 years all he
knew was that everytime he took a break he would have a longing to see her again and whenever they fought, it was like an explosive reaction or better still, an all out war, but they always found their way back together and in all this none of them noticed that they felt lonely without the other.

He was the kind of person that would stay clear of anyone that he noticed was getting close and he never had a friend he didn't consider expendable, and she a kind of person that was never satisfied by anyone and lacked the ability to trust anyone but he subconsciously was getting clingy to this one person and she, to him. To her, he was the only one who really understood her, and to him she was more than family.

Few months passed the three years they had known each other, she finally began to realise she had feelings of some sort for him, something quite different from the usual, but she couldn't bring herself to tell him, because she feared their relationship would be completely destroyed if she did, she knew he would move mountains to please her if she required it, and she figured as long as he was there when she needed him there wasn't any other thing she needed.

A little after four years she found someone she fell hopelessly in love with, she told him that she finally found the one, he smiled and jokingly said "you said that two guys ago" at this point he had already realized, she was all he would ever ask for in a lady, and he was ready to make her his, but truth be told, he knew  it was too late because this new guy was all she would always talk about, whenever they were together and ironically he became the relationship advicer.

Faced with this new phase of the relationship, all he wanted to do was leave, but she wouldn't let him go, he didn't have enough strength to leave her either, the end to this story is left to your imagination afterall it's LOVE.



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