Reaching Out From FUNAAB to The World

Saturday, 9 July 2016


I am not a dad yet, but someday I'll be one, I don't even know if I'll be one. But above all things I pray I become a good dad.

Parenting is not the simplest job on earth, its frustrating, annoying( my dad must have reasoned killing me at some point, am not the everyday happy kid), but above all it's the one thing everybody wants- the joy of parenthood, being called a dad or mom.

Dad says if you truly want something, you should be ready to take it with all its shortcomings, why then do our parents want PERFECT kids. The truth is, we cant be perfect and we would never be perfect, and that is a fact they must come to accept. The same fact their own parents must have accepted at some point in time, lets say peradventure their parents didn't, they must have felt the same  I'm feeling now and this is a feeling I want to reduce, if I can.

Its easier to blame President Buhari's ear for his inability to heed to our cry.
It's easier to blame Prof. Abayomi Salami for the incessant striking in OAU.
it's easier to say Prof. Oyewole is the reason FUNAAB is as it is.
So is it easier to blame our kids for whatever fate that befalls us after we bare them. Passing the baton is easier than accepting it in a race. My dad once said we- his kids, are the reason for his deteriorating health, maybe true or not, but it was just the easiest thing to say forgetting all the fun he had during his younger days and the aftermath of health issues that snoozes at it's tail.

Parents get it wrong almost all the time, and I thought to myself, why?

°Because they never listen, they feel they have attained all the heights there is and whatever we doing now they must have at some point done it before. Time changes all things even electrons dont fill their respective shells in the same manner(ask PAULI and his exclusion principle). I wish my dad(most especially) would listen to me and not just impose his will on me every time, I just wish he would be me for a day and see how wrongly he's doing it.

°Because even after they see their wrongs, they fail to admit them. Parents are the dictionary definition of PROUD and UNAPOLOGETIC.

°Because they dont know us, my dad doesn't know my age till he checks, he doesn't know I write, he doesn't know that I love rap music, he doesn't even know if I've eaten, you think all these little things don't matter. I've been in more than one relationship ( by the way, my parents still don't know that) , and I've learnt that its the smallest things that count the most. But sadly enough, they dont still know that.

°Because they talk too much and repeatedly on the same topic, and fail to encourage us. My dad would chastise me for coming 3rd position in class, he'll talk about how "pidgin English" has made my English grades drop when a " welldone... You can do better would have solved  it". I still do have scars on my back for coming 3rd place in primary school.

° Because they compare us with who they had wished we'll be. If my dad had Jaden Smith for a son, I doubt if Jayden would even like music. I can't even use an headphone in my room, only jobless and idle kids use those. His nephews are just way too OBAMA  for our OSAMA, they literally kill us at all things.

Wait, am I typing too much?
No! Ok, that's good, a few more points and we'll be done!

°yeah Because we are too lazy, and they feel we eat and spend too much (lol, I know how well I STARVE at school).

°Because they feel civilisation has done more harm than good, and we are just a product of it. Their parent must hv felt the same way.

°Because they have forgotten that respect is reciprocal... Give as much as you expect, the same goes for love and training.

We live our lifes off a bunch of lies we put in place so we can sleep at night, or prolly remain human and smile. But we fail to remember that what we get is a product of the effort we put in. Put in the right time, attention and action, we dont have to profess love before it is felt (one of my girlfriends told me that, it applies to all though).

I want to be a dad, not just any, a good dad and I dont want my ward feeling the same way I feel...

I refuse to speak for all, but myself , if I haven't in some way aired your mind, please do drop your comments
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Ff @ipostfunaab
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1 comment:

  1. mmmmmmm I will disagree with u cos I feel it's your own perspective, some of our parents didn't have good upbringing background so some just follow the trend,wont blame them cos they weren't really civilized den. also some maybe due to pressure or something more wich dey try hard to keep from us. I tink we the upcoming youths of today should try hard to understand dem cos no matter the circumstances. all they want for us is the best. no matter wah we tink abt dem believe me wahever trait dey have nd are displaying dey have passed it down to us. its now left for us to manage it in a way that it won't be passed down.


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